The progressive and kid-centered Montessori method of teaching has endured the test of time. The Montessori approach teaches kids how to take care of themselves and their environment while highlighting the value of practical life skills.
After seeing how important it was to raise children during their most vulnerable years, Dina Scarcelli decided to pursue a career in early childhood education.In Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, Dina is the proud owner and director of two Montessori schools.
DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc. is one of these institutions; it began as a home-based business and is now a licensed facility. The other is the Montessori School Inc. and CT Family Learning Center, which she co-owns with a partner who was her manager at DMS Montessori.
Dina’s unwavering devotion to the Montessori approach and her unwavering commitment to providing high-quality early childhood education can be largely credited to the success of these schools. Her passion for children’s education and her entrepreneurial drive are demonstrated by her leadership and the unique educational programs she offers. We got the honor of closely seeing her inspirational work.
The highlights of the interview are listed below:
Can you please introduce yourself and provide a brief overview of your professional background?
In Oshawa, Ontario, Canada, I am Dina Scarcelli, the proud owner and founder of two Montessori schools. I am the creator and exclusive proprietor of DMS Montessori Preschool and Daycare Inc., which I built from the ground up with just one child to the licensed facility it is today.
I co-owned CT Family Learning Centre and Montessori School Inc. with my amazing partner, who used to be my manager at DMS Montessori, when we launched our sibling location last year.
I altered my professional path years ago to pursue my passion of teaching and eventually creating my own Montessori school. I had worked for several retail service firms for more than 15 years in general management positions. That is why we are here today discussing my story: I am a true entrepreneur with a strong will, perseverance, and commitment to success that all come from a genuine love and passion for children and early childhood education.
Could you describe some significant turning points in your leadership development and how they affected your style of leadership?
Throughout my life, I have worked in various capacities with children and, while employed in another industry, with adults. Having worked for companies that placed a lot of limitations on my ability to be creative in how I led my team, I’ve discovered that bringing my own personality and individuality to the table helps me obtain the greatest outcomes from my team.
My individuality is something irreplaceable, and who I am makes for a welcoming and warm environment. I felt unappreciated in the past for my style because it didn’t fit with their way of doing things, even though it would only improve their environment. I was restricted from giving back in ways most in touch with the needs of the employees.
At that moment, I promised myself that as an owner, I would remain loyal to myself and utilize my innate leadership skills to provide a positive and supportive work environment for my staff. I work hard to keep everyone’s spirits up by creating a welcoming and joyful atmosphere and by supporting them in many ways.
Which major obstacles have you encountered in your professional life, and how have you overcame them?
My greatest obstacle thus far has been, without a doubt, money. Since the day I turned sixteen, I have been required to labor for every single dime, and I have not stopped since. In part due to necessity, in part because I like doing meaningful work, and in part because I was taught work ethics from a young age. I supported myself through college by working three jobs and lived alone. It has taught me a lot to be so independent.
That being said, I had to use the equity out of our home to finance my business start-up on a larger scale when I expanded from my home-based roots. Still today, and as other entrepreneurs may relate, it is not easy in the early stages of business financially. But I remain laser-focused on my end game, and I will make it happen! One day, I will be financially secure, but this is part of the journey to get there.
Nothing worth having comes easy. It takes endless effort and sometimes lots of struggle. Again, my positive attitude shapes my journey and ultimately brings me the success I will achieve.
How would you describe your leadership style, and what principles or values guide your leadership decisions?
I’ve always led with fairness, joy, and firmness. Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of my leadership style. My team leadership is based on my ideals and values as a person. Similar to any other relationship, there must be mutual respect, trust, and communication.
My teams know that we are always there for each other in a way that starts with the acknowledgment that we are all here for a common reason and with the understanding that I am here to help them grow professionally and personally. It’s hard to describe why and how I drive team results because I lead with who I am at my core as a person. I speak with them with respect, and I equally feel respect in return. I feel that if you genuinely care about people, who you are will shine through, and people will want to work with you.
That, plus my absolutely positive outlook on life, positivity, leading with example and modeling expectations, and consistently providing opportunities for team involvement and contribution, are factors in my natural ability to lead. Leadership qualities and skills come innately from within. I really believe who you are at your core has a lot to do with how you associate with people in any context. It simply is, and you cannot really teach these things.
In male-dominated industries, how have you navigated challenges, and what advice would you give to aspiring women leaders in similar fields?
Never give up. Overcome the difficulties. Right now, it feels so hard; feelings get in the way so easily, but never give up. Adversity will teach you to take every experience—positive or negative—as a teaching tool, and the lessons you acquire from it will make your life so much more enjoyable! These are the only times when growth occurs. A large number of owners in my field, both male and female, lack classroom experience. I am aware of the challenges because I have experience teaching in a classroom.
When leading in this industry, I feel strongly that the best school leaders are the ones who have taught in the classroom with the children and who know firsthand how incredibly challenging this field is. How can you preach what you have never practiced? It takes so much more to lead a school than simply the business side of the coin.
My advice to anyone looking to own or operate a childcare business is to get into it for passion first. Teach, do, mentor, and coach based on that raw experience. My advice to anyone in today’s world in any business, let alone in male-dominated industries, as I have experienced for many years prior to my current career, is to stay true to yourself no matter what.
Never allow anyone make fun of you for displaying emotion. Such an emotional outburst requires strength. Everyone has sentiments, and since you are a person, nobody should have to apologize for them. Never doubt yourself, always give your all, and stay consistent in your performance. You can’t go wrong if you just concentrate on doing the right thing.